Earlham Community Shop was born out of the need to tackle food insecurity in the heart of Earlham, Norwich. We opened our doors with the aim of creating an accessible and affordable supermarket for families and individuals facing financial hardship.

Food poverty is a serious issue in many communities, and Earlham is no exception. Many people struggle to afford the basic essentials they need for a healthy diet. We are committed to changing that by offering food at lower prices, without compromising on quality. We source surplus and low-cost products, ensuring that no one in our community goes hungry.

The shop also stocks a range of household essential items such as personal hygiene and cleaning products.

Our Story


How It Works

  • Earlham Community Shop is open to families with children at Earlham Early Nursery School and Norwich Primary Academy

    We aim to provide a supportive space for these families to access essential food items and build connections within the community.

    We are hoping to expand our reach and open to new members in 2025.

  • We partner with community organisations such as Norfolk Community Foundation and Fareshare to source surplus food and buy in essentials.

    By selling some stock at lower retail price, it allows us to subsidise other products or give items away for free. We also stock products past their ‘Best Before’ dates which are still fit for consumption.

    By redistributing these items, we help families save money while making a positive impact on the environment. Whether you’re facing financial challenges or looking for a welcoming place to connect with others, we’re here to help.

    Information on Use By and Best Before dates.

  • Becoming a member is easy! Simply pop in and request a membership form. Once we process your request we will issue a membership card which will allow you to start shopping with us.

    See the Contact Us page for our opening times!

    Please note we are currently only accepting members with children at Earlham Nursery School or Norwich Primary Academy, however, we will be expanding in 2025.

  • Volunteers are the backbone of our organisation. We are always looking for more help so please get in touch if you’re interested in making a difference in the community!

    Please note that all volunteers must undergo an Enhanced DBS check.


Our Partners

  • Earlham Nursery School

  • Norfolk Community Foundation

    Supported by Norfolk Community Foundation through Nourishing Norfolk Fund

Other Partners