Cooking Course March 2025

We are pleased to announce that we will be running a 4 week cooking course in March 2025. This is a part of an initiative we have been working on for a few months and we are so excited to see it come to life!

The sessions will be run on the first 4 Mondays of March:

  • March 3rd

  • March 10th

  • March 17th

  • March 24th

The sessions will be held at Cadge Road Community Centre from 12-2:30pm.

In the sessions we will cover basic knife and food hygiene skills, cook a meal together, discuss the recipe whilst we at the food and the clear up afterwards! These sessions are aimed at helping people who want to learn more about cooking or get to know other people in their community! This is an adult only class and unfortunately at this time we are unable to accommodate children attending as well.

In addition to a delicious free lunch we are delighted to be able to offer each participant a FREE slow cooker and handheld blender (please note, this is subject to participants attending all 4 sessions)! If you are interested in the course please contact us at or pop into the shop and sign up!


Things To Do - Feb Half-Term


Kids Eat Free (or for £1) During Feb Half-Term